Rounding Up Summer '21 New Google Features

In Tech Integration, one thing that we try to keep a third eye on is the never-ending stream of updates that Google sends out about the digital workspace products that matter to us. We're always looking for new and improved features that will make our work lives easier.

Summertime is always a really busy period for these updates, so fall can be a good time to get a look at the long list of recent changes and distill the big pile down into just a few highlights that will matter most to teachers and students. So without further explanation, here is our own, curated list of high-impact feature updates in Google Workspace!

Google Docs got a big makeover this past year, and many new features are now live in there:

As you might imagine, a lot of the focus this last year has been on Google Meet. Although we aren't all using it for instruction right now, it's good to know that these new features are available:

And here's a few more that help!

Soooo not important, but maybe a quality of life thing:
There were dozens more updates, but we think these are the most relevant and helpful for teachers. Hope you found something you've been looking for in these new features!
