Welcome back 21-22 teachers and staff!
Hi everyone! If this is your first time here, check out What is This Website? , our first post. Then come back and read this welcome message! Welcome back, teachers! We are back, students are back in front of us, but it's not school as we once knew it. And it likely won't ever be again. What a concept...to think about later, because right now it's hustle time. As TISes working to support you each day, we can't emphasize enough how important it will be to set up your digital classroom space and use some time at the beginning of the year to introduce your students to it. Although we probably all agree that we'll be working less in that space than last year, it's still crucial that you and your students practice your skills, habits, and routines online together in case of future emergencies. More than that, though, we've learned a lot about ourselves and our students from working online together this year. We certainly want to put the stressful and inefficient ...